Blue – Navyata Sanghvi – IIT Madras

I smiled quietly to myself as I turned over in my sleep. Cracking one blurry eye open, I stared at the peaceful face of the beautiful creature next to me, and tenderly stroked her cheek. Her skin was soft, smooth and cool, and felt wonderful. Her eyes were closed, but I knew they were a brilliant blue because of the contact lenses she always wore.

I lay there, thinking about today. She’d fluttered blue-dusted eyelashes at me from behind the counter as she’d asked me for my order, simpering. She’d looked at me meaningfully, as if to say, “I know your secret, and, oh, look … My eyes say it all…”

I had dressed in blue every day of every year for all of my twenty five years. Right to my socks and underpants. It was my absolute favourite, a calm, comforting, deep colour that always set my mood right. My shirt was immaculately pressed whenever I went out, and my cupboard looked like a sea of the same. I lived in a very clean, albeit sparingly furnished, room of cream walls and mahogany curtains. Since I’d rented it, I couldn’t splash my tendencies all over the place. But my wardrobe was all my own. Full of turquoise, teal and azure, I was fondest of navy.

My mamma thought I was crazy. I’m simply compulsive, and like things a certain way. And her recognizing and so obviously admiring that about me, after I’d gone into that little coffee shop regularly for almost a year, was a heady feeling. As was her flirting.

I’d been very shy, looked down, and tried to hide behind my highly powerful glasses, making my slouch more pronounced. A secretly delighted smile had played on my lips, and I thought I detected a hint of amusement in her blue eyes. My heart had pounded loudly in my ears. I’d made her laugh.

I’d ordered what they called a Cool Blue and settled on a table near the counter, sneaking glances at her. She’d brought me the order herself, and slipped a note into my hand furtively. She’d smiled a quick smile and darted back to her place.

I’d looked at the pretty, loopy sapphire writing on the stiff card of pale blue, hyperventilating, the words refusing to register. I’d shaken my head, trying to force my racing heart down to a decent speed, and finally focused enough to read, I know you come in here every day. I think your preference for blue is just so cute. It’s my favourite colour! Coffee at my place, 5 pm? and then her address.

I could not believe my luck. I’d chanced a glance her way excitedly, and seen her exchange a smile with a coworker. Was that a smirk? I’d been way too distracted with the prospect of a date with her to register anything beyond my own flushed face and her comely figure.

I dressed carefully and stared at myself in the mirror for a moment before smiling delightedly at the explosion of blue that greeted me, right down to my blue-rimmed glasses. I could not have been more excited. I had been told I was attractive, but that had somehow not been enough for anybody. I looked forward today to fulfill one of my deepest yearnings with a partner I knew would be willing.

I bunched my fist and admired the rippling muscles visible even under my ultramarine shirt. I was strong and liked myself that way. Spiking my hair up in the front and adding a touch of perfume, I left home and made my way to her place.

She opened the door with a toothy smile, mopping her brow with a deep blue handkerchief. She ushered me in, and my face threatened to split as the grin on it stretched to my ears, before I saw who was sitting on her sofa. The smile vanished in a split second, as I stared in horror at the guy she had exchanged a smirk with at work. She made her way seductively to him, and kissed him deeply when he stood, turning his back toward me, so she could look into my eyes and see the hurt spreading on my features. Her aqua eyes held mine in sweet delight, as she saw she’d met her mark.

Surfacing from the kiss, she pretended to be flustered, smoothed her hair down, silently scolded the guy with her eyes, as if to say, we have company, darling… and indicated me with her eyes. The guy turned, embarrassed, and held out his hand. I shook it mechanically, numb with shock, and slowly feeling a rage build inside me.

I knew what these youngsters were up to. They’d wanted to embarrass me, having picked up on my partiality for the woman. She was telling me with sweet revenge she was taken, all the while indicating offense taken at the fact that I’d dared raise my eyes to her, dared to think I actually had a shot. She was delightedly putting me in my place as the guy established his territory, circling her waist with a possessive arm.

She was mocking my preference for blue, having dressed exclusively in that colour, her eyes matching the extravagance. She served me my coffee, which burned my tongue and throat the way down. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, as she knowingly seared my heart inside out, with significant glances and pretty smirks. My rage was now at its full height. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t steaming at the ears and spitting fire already.

The visit was a blue blur. I left and decided to go ahead with my plan anyway. I waited outside, hiding, till the guy left as well. I went up and knocked her door, unable to stop shaking with a mixture of anger and adrenaline. She opened the door, giggling something about coming back for more. She thought it was the guy, no doubt.

I pushed my way in, as she finally registered shock on her face, wide-eyed, unable to speak. I held her gently, and slowly asphyxiated her. I’ve never felt more alive than when I saw her go limp, scratching at my hands. They slid off me like nails off marble, leaving nothing at all. She was no match for me. She did not have a chance.

As I lay the now dead coffee-shop waitress on her bed, I felt a vast, ever-growing contentment. My plan had been fulfilled. This little part of me had had his curiosity well satisfied. And the results were far better than anticipated.

She was blue all over, growing bluer by the minute. She was lovely in her blueness, more attractive than the others had been. As I lovingly undressed my doll, I had to stop to admire my favourite hue leaving its mark all over her smooth skin. I took her, unresisting as she was. I took her, again and again, staring into her deep blue eyes that now held a bottomless emptiness and nothing else. I had nothing to be afraid of. She could not reject me.

I sighed and shut her eyes. Arousing myself from a deep sleep after that, I stared at her wonderingly, touched her still blue lips, stroked her smooth blue cheek, lingered on the tip of her cold blue nose. I kissed her deeply, and lay contentedly next to her, once again lost in wonderment at the absolute beauty of a beautiful woman in a beautiful colour.


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